Notched Clouds 009
Notched Clouds 009
Notched Clouds 009

Notched Clouds 009


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Notched Clouds 009


Radically transform your ceilings and redefine spaces with Notched Clouds 009 featuring sleek aesthetics and powerful sound absorption potential. When suspended from ceilings Notched Clouds 009 create a natural gathering point where people can congregate and be heard, cutting out echoes and irritating noise. With an expansive library of colorways and limitless customization options, Notched Clouds 009 can easily fit the visual identity of your business and promote your brand in a big way. Connect with a representative today for premier noise reduction solutions for your ceilings, and experience the comfort of quiet with sound absorbing clouds.


PoshFelt® 100% organic wool design felt


Impact resistant, shock absorbant


Non-deteriorating, non-hygroscopic, colorfast


0.45 – 0.95 NRC


ASTM E84: Class A


100% biodegradable/compostable, contains no formaldehyde, 100% VOC free, no chemical irritants, and free of harmful substances


Clean with vacuum or light dusting


Comes with industry-leading standard warranty


CSI Installation Systems are product specific (see Installation section)

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