Patio Tile
Patio Tile
Patio Tile
Patio Tile

Patio Tile


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Patio Tile


Patio Tile invites viewers to stop and examine the piece as well as appreciate the greenery mixed into the geometric background. The felt backdrop absorbs noise and the foreground plants help to add dimension and interest. The diamond-shaped mosaic pattern is incredibly popular all over the world but its connection to the past shows its endurance over time. The abstracted version of this with greenery and wood elements gives a taste of that history while fitting into modern standards and aesthetics.


Soundcore® Recycled PET Acoustic Felt


Impact resistant, shock absorbant


Non-deteriorating, non-hygroscopic, colorfast


0.45 – 0.95 NRC


ASTM E84: Class A


Recycled PET acoustic felt is 60% post-consumer recycled content and is 100% recyclable. Contributes points toward LEED v4. CDPH v1.2, VOC free, non-toxic, non-allergenic, anti-microbial – does not attract mold and mildew. Compliant with Living Building Challenge criteria & DECLARE Red List Free.


Vacuum occasionally to remove airborne dust or debris. Mild detergents or soaps may be used to remove stains. For detailed care instructions, refer to the CSI Creative Maintenance Information document.


Comes with industry-leading standard warranty


CSI Installation Systems are product specific (see Product Guide)

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