Clay Pot
Clay Pot
Clay Pot

Clay Pot | Plant Wall


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Clay Pot


CSI Creative presents the Clay Pot Bio-Acoustic Plant Wall, inspired by handmade clay pots found in African and Central and South American cultures. This design was built to inspire and connect us to each other as well as our roots in nature, with a focus on human centric design and wellness. The acoustic PET felt backer is wrapped in 100% natural wool felt and wreathed in fire-proof greenery, ensuring an experience that is easy on the eyes, ears and mind. With every installation, our commitment to sustainability shines through, as our wall panel attachment system guarantees a 100% recoverable, reusable investment.


PoshFelt® 100% organic wool design felt


Impact resistant, shock absorbant


Non-deteriorating, non-hygroscopic, colorfast


0.45 – 0.95 NRC


ASTM E84: Class A


100% biodegradable/compostable, contains no formaldehyde, 100% VOC free, no chemical irritants, and free of harmful substances


Clean with vacuum or light dusting


Comes with industry-leading standard warranty


CSI Installation Systems are product specific (see Installation section)

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