Clouds & Canopies

The world of acoustic ceiling clouds and other ceiling treatments is full of artistry at the forefront of interior design, but it’s also full of confusing terminology and technical information. Panels, canopies, baffles and a ceiling cloud feature are each effective ways to control sound in commercial spaces, but the application of each form can have further implications in its ability to effectively absorb sound.

Acoustic Ceiling Clouds vs Ceiling Panels

While the basic function of acoustical control is the same, acoustic clouds and panels vary slightly in their delivery. While ceiling panels are often used to control noise in a space and create a more pleasant listening experience, they are also more subtle than acoustic clouds, tending to stick close to the surface they are mounted on without calling too much attention.

Acoustic Clouds, on the other hand, are often much more dimensional, sculptural and artistic. An acoustic cloud or cluster of clouds serves as both visual accents as well as sound-attenuating features. A commercial space like a lobby or waiting room can capitalize on the attractive styles and patterns in a suspended ceiling clouds by placing them front and center, marking the heart of the room and serving as a visual landmark for groups to gather.

Maximizing Acoustical Control with Ceiling Clouds

If the primary goal of your project is to get the most efficient sound control for your space, start with ceiling products that cover hard, unfinished surfaces – those areas of your ceilings will have the most dramatic effect on acoustic performance.

In the world of acoustics, more is better. The more acoustic material surface area suspended in your space, the better sound quality you get. To get the best results, ceiling clouds can be manufactured in different shapes that improve acoustic performance, giving it an artistic flair that serves as both visual accents and a noise-controlling powerhouse.

Canopies and Clouds from CSI Creative

CSI Creative helps you find the right clouds and canopies for each of the rooms in your setting. Our products are made of a light weight acoustic felt that allows them to be constructed into a visually stunning, tailor-made acoustic ceiling system for the rooms in your unique office.

Get in touch with our team today to create the right shapes, the right system, and the right acoustics for your space, and bring your design vision to reality.

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A large metal structure showcasing the Blade Clouds 003 ceiling design.

















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Clouds & Canopies

The world of acoustic ceiling clouds and other ceiling treatments is full of artistry at the forefront of interior design, but it’s also full of confusing terminology and technical information. Panels, canopies, baffles and a ceiling cloud feature are each effective ways to control sound in commercial spaces, but the application of each form can have further implications in its ability to effectively absorb sound.

Acoustic Ceiling Clouds vs Ceiling Panels

While the basic function of acoustical control is the same, acoustic clouds and panels vary slightly in their delivery. While ceiling panels are often used to control noise in a space and create a more pleasant listening experience, they are also more subtle than acoustic clouds, tending to stick close to the surface they are mounted on without calling too much attention.

Acoustic Clouds, on the other hand, are often much more dimensional, sculptural and artistic. An acoustic cloud or cluster of clouds serves as both visual accents as well as sound-attenuating features. A commercial space like a lobby or waiting room can capitalize on the attractive styles and patterns in a suspended ceiling clouds by placing them front and center, marking the heart of the room and serving as a visual landmark for groups to gather.

Maximizing Acoustical Control with Ceiling Clouds

If the primary goal of your project is to get the most efficient sound control for your space, start with ceiling products that cover hard, unfinished surfaces – those areas of your ceilings will have the most dramatic effect on acoustic performance.

In the world of acoustics, more is better. The more acoustic material surface area suspended in your space, the better sound quality you get. To get the best results, ceiling clouds can be manufactured in different shapes that improve acoustic performance, giving it an artistic flair that serves as both visual accents and a noise-controlling powerhouse.

Canopies and Clouds from CSI Creative

CSI Creative helps you find the right clouds and canopies for each of the rooms in your setting. Our products are made of a light weight acoustic felt that allows them to be constructed into a visually stunning, tailor-made acoustic ceiling system for the rooms in your unique office.

Get in touch with our team today to create the right shapes, the right system, and the right acoustics for your space, and bring your design vision to reality.


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